India faces a tremendous housing challenge in terms of quantity, quality and affordability of housing. As we continue to grow and increase the housing supply, it is also important to adopt a low carbon development trajectory in wake of the climate crisis. The ‘Pitch to Policy’ aims to attract and groom ideas that can accelerate the housing market on this path. Specifically, it seeks interventions in the residential sector to contribute to C02 emission reduction.
There are opportunities for safer, cooler houses, houses that emit fewer GHGs, and materials and techniques that are low carbon but also profitable. Top-down and bottom-up efforts together are needed to mainstream buildings that are climate responsible and meet sustainable development goals. Succeeding in the housing sector is especially critical.
Shortlisted teams will pitch their idea in front of the jury consisting of representatives from building industry - experts, engineers, policy shapers and entrepreneurs. The winners will become part of GBPN network to receive long -term support to hopefully become fully funded.
The entries will be judged on the articulation of the relevance of the problem statement, strength of proposed solution, its potential to accelerate the adoption of the energy conservation code for residential building to provide low carbon, thermally comfortable, affordable housing.
The three best team will be awarded a prize of USD 2,000 each directly from GBPN. This prize is not payment for work. All teams receive a participation certificate.
GBPN is calling for individuals or small teams to participate in Pitch to Policy to help streamline the implementation of ENS in various levels (local, state and central). If you could change one thing what would that be? A change in the local law or local building codes? Or maybe you have an idea how to reduce energy use? Or improve thermal comfort? We want to hear your pitch!
Benefits of participating
GBPN will provide high quality evidence and training, and will help you to build your project and pitch it. A pitch is just like pitching a new invention, but you will be pitching your opportunity for change. When your team pitches, it competes with up to 9 other teams. Applicants who are judged by participating local government officials, experts and donors, and will receive mentorship to make change and exclusive opportunities to get further funding with GBPN.
Prize money!
How much time will be required for me
We intend to provide approximately 20 hours of training and tutoring that will take place mainly online in order to facilitate the participation of those who have professional engagements.
A bootcamp is run online where everyone works together for four half-days. The pitching final is run at the bootcamp.
Who can participate
Engineers, society members, architects, bloggers, developers or field experts, anyone with a convincing plan can participate. Submitted solutions can be technically complex or ingeniously simple, as long as they make an impact on the building environment sustainability.
Who is organizing
P2P is organized by the Global Building Performance Network, supported by ps Collective
Call for mentors and networkers
If you're an educator, policy expert or super networker join in with your knowledge! You can contribute with content, expertise, course or a workshop. If you have a course or a material that you'd like to share or apply as a mentor, send an email to craig.burton@gbpn.org